Tplopee is owned and operated by a husband and wife duo. What does Tplopee mean? It means plop tee.
We know, hair plopping is a heat free styling technique that help dry your wet curls in a self-contained mound on top of your head, helping to increase definition and cut down on frizz. Curly girls use t shirt or microfiber towel to plop. It works, but it is difficult to tie and wrap t shirt or towel over the hair. We should make hair plopping easier. So tplopee is here.
It looks almost same as t shirt, but better than t shirt.
When we design it, we make the t shirt height and width to better fit our head and hair. Also, we add some snaps at the bottom and top to make it easy to tie. It will save you much time and make the plopping more comfortable.
You won't know you need it until you see it.